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Linear traverse with a rise beyond the center and adjustable clips TLCa

Fill out the questionnaire for the traverse
Download the questionnaireDownload the catalog
Capacity, t.
up to 40.0
Cargo length, m.
up to 10.0
Cargo slinging
for the center
End and center elements
End elements
Звено продольноеСкоба поперечнаяКрюк поворотный
longitudinal linkcross bracerotary hook
Крюк продольныйПроушина продольнаяПроушина поперечная
longitudinal hooklongitudinal eyecross eye
Central elements
ПроушинаПроушина осеваяПроушина-балансир
lugaxial eyeeye-balancer

One of the leaders in crane construction, 1000+ cranes per year

The Gruzopodem company is a modern plant in Kazan with production workshops with an area of 17,000 m2, where more than 1,000 overhead, cantilever and gantry cranes, as well as other equipment are manufactured annually. The plant is equipped with its own destructive and non—destructive testing laboratories, which guarantees the quality of products at every stage - from the input raw materials to the finished product. We strictly adhere to industry standards, have certifications of welding technology and non-destructive testing. By the end of 2023, the company entered the TOP 5 largest crane plants in Russia* and was recognized as the best exporter of the Republic of Tatarstan in the field of industry.

*Based on the results of an independent study by Mega Research agency for the period 2019 — 5 months 2023: https://www.megaresearch.ru/work_examples/issledovaniya/1952?roistat_visit=230331


A linear traverse with a lift behind the center and adjustable clips can be used to lift and move a large list of loads. This linear traverse is used in conditions of limited lifting height of the load. Thanks to the presence of adjustable clips in its design, it can lift loads of various lengths, adjusting the distance between the attachment points.

This linear traverse is equipped with various end and center elements, which are illustrated with the same tab above.

Our factory produces linear traverses according to TU-3178-004-87879481-2010 and it has a Declaration of Compliance with TR CU 010/2011 "On the safety of machinery and equipment" for cargo traverses.

Linear traverse with adjustable clips TLCa, design and operation features

  • It is used for lifting and moving loads of any weight
  • It is attached to the crane hook through the central eye
  • They are an intermediate element between the crane hook and the load
  • Allows you to lift the load as high as possible in the presence of restrictions on the lifting height
  • The traverse is equipped with grippers, rotary, non-rotating hooks, brackets, slings and other elements for hooking the load
  • When working with large and long loads, it avoids bending stress in the load and fastening elements
  • Thanks to the adjustable clips, it allows you to move loads of different lengths.

This linear traverse is made by prior request with the required length, load capacity and end elements, as well as taking into account all the wishes and features of the load being lifted. For more detailed information and price calculation, please contact our sales managers.

Example of a symbol when ordering this traverse:

TLCa — Q / L,

where TLCa is a linear traverse with a rise beyond the center with adjustable clips

Q — load capacity of the traverse in tons

L — length of the traverse in millimeters

When ordering this traverse, specify the required minimum and maximum distance between the clips, as well as the step of their movement.

If you want to buy a linear TLCa traverse, call the sales offices of our company at the phone numbers listed on the website.

The color of the equipment may differ from the one shown on the website.

Cost request
Конструкция траверсы
Центральные элементы
Концевые элементы
Тип стропов для крепления траверсы в случае подъема за края
Тип стропов для крепления груза
Тип и длина стропа (одно-, двух-, трехветвевой и др.)
Грузоподъемность, тонн
Тип груза
Размеры груза, мм (ДхШхВ)
Ограничение по высоте подъема, м.
Грузоподъемность крана, тонн
Минимальный и максимальный показатель температуры эксплуатации, гр.
Contact information
Company name
Additional information
Any questions?
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